idiot savants and child prodigies then give
a short explanation about it.
prodigies are children able to perform at amazingly proficient levels in very demanding fields because of their exceptionally high IQs. Savants are suppressed in their performance in all but a single area because of a general deficiency in IQ. Although straightforward, this way of looking at savants and prodigies is limited. For neither savants nor prodigies does the IQ distribution account for the very specific areas of performance that mark them. IQ is a broad index of general intellectual ability to deal with logic, reflection, reason, and abstract concepts, while the prodigy and the savant are marked by their remarkable capabilities in very specific domains like music or memory. In an earlier publication on savants and prodigies, we reviewed what was known about these two extreme kinds of cases in order to reconsider the issue of general versus specific intelligence.