If 123456789101112..........50.this number is divided by 9 then find रिमाइंडर?
so first we need to know divisibility rule of 9 which is sum of all digits in the number and with this you can even get remainder
so first sum of 1 to 9
we can find this with ap formula
(first digit+ last digit)×no.of digit ÷2
now for other digits
45 +1 +0 =46
=56[you don't need to add 1 to 9 coz you already know it's 45 just add other digits
next will be 76
next 86
add then
m you'll get 330 add these too 3+3+0 =6
so answer is 6
also see this trick too
when you'll add 31to 40 individually ans will be 45+[3×10] +1 that is 45 +31 same with other like for 21 to 30 its gonna be 45+21
hope it helped you
I'm sorry if I couldn't explain it well its my first time answering
also if there's any other method would love to know