If 31z6 is multiple of 9, where Z stand for a digit, what is the value of Z

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3186 is the multiple of 9 and the value of Z
to solve these type of sums , we have trick that is.........firstly the sum of alll no. that we have given i.e 3+1+z+6
it is 10+z
then think what is the is digit when we add from 10 is divisible by 9
so 3 is wrong answer bcoz 10+3=13 is not divisible by 9
and 5 is the wrong ans bcoz 10+5=15 is not divisible by 9
2 is the wrong ans bcoz 10+2=12 is not divisible by 9
then, at last 8 is the correct ans bcoz 10+8=18 is divisible by 9........hope it helps u.........mark as brainliest ✌ ✌ ✌ ✌ ✌
to solve these type of sums , we have trick that is.........firstly the sum of alll no. that we have given i.e 3+1+z+6
it is 10+z
then think what is the is digit when we add from 10 is divisible by 9
so 3 is wrong answer bcoz 10+3=13 is not divisible by 9
and 5 is the wrong ans bcoz 10+5=15 is not divisible by 9
2 is the wrong ans bcoz 10+2=12 is not divisible by 9
then, at last 8 is the correct ans bcoz 10+8=18 is divisible by 9........hope it helps u.........mark as brainliest ✌ ✌ ✌ ✌ ✌
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