If 357 rupees is divided among Aman and Divakar in the ratio 5:2, find the share that each one gets.
each on gets 143 rupees pls mark me as BRAINLIEST
357 rupees gets divided in the ratio of 5:2 that means 357 is divided into 7 parts and 5 parts are given to Aman and 2 parts are given to Divakar.
Let's suppose if the money was 63 rupees and it's divided into seven equal parts as follows:
63 = 9+9+9+9+9+9+9
And now these are 7 parts of 63, give 5 parts to Aman i.e 9+9+9+9+9 and other 2 parts to Divakar i.e 9+9.
Now, i hope you understand what it means by ratio.
Now come to the question, divide 357 into 7 parts
357= 51+51+51+51+51+51+51
Give 5 parts to Aman. Those are 51+51+51+51+51=255 rupees
And other two left parts to Divakar. Those are 51+51= 102 rupees.
And hence we completed the distribution of 357 rupees.
Another method:
Rupees given to Aman =
Rupees given to Divakar=