If 5 Mobiles and 4 Speakers cost Rs.29000, while 4 Mobiles and 3 Speakers cost Rs. 23000. The cost of each Mobile will be (a) Rs. 5000 (b) Rs.6000 (c) Rs. 8000 (d) Rs. 6550
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Given: 5 Mobiles and 4 Speakers cost Rs.29000, while 4 Mobiles and 3 Speakers cost Rs. 23000.
To find: The cost of each mobile.
- To solve the given question, first, two equations are framed and then, they are solved simultaneously in order to find the cost of a single mobile and a single speaker.
- Let the cost of a mobile be equal to x and the cost of a speaker be equal to y.
- So, the first equation would be,
- And the second equation would be,
- On solving these two equations simultaneously, the obtained values are,
Therefore, the cost of each mobile will be Rs. 5000.
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