If 7A6146B is divisible by 88 then what is the value of A² + B²?
The value of is 25.
Given: 7A6146B is divisible by 88
To find: The value of
We have, 7A6146B is divisible by 88. For this to be happen, 7A6146B needs to be divisible by 8 and 11 both.
Now, for 7A6146B to be divisible by 8, the last three digit of the number needs to be divisible by 8.
So, we have 46B to be divisible by 8.
Therefore, B can have values 0,1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9
Out of all these values, 46B is divisible by 8 only when B is 4.
So, we have
Now, we have 7A61464
For this number to be divisible by 11, the difference of the sum of digit at odd places of the number to the even places of the number needs to be 0 or multiple of 11.
So, we have
Sum of digits at odd places
Sum of the digits at even places
Now, for difference to be 0 or multiple of 11, the value of A should be 3.
So, we have
Hence, the value of is 25.
Learn more:
Divisibility by 88