Math, asked by uttamchakrabortty66, 11 months ago

if a, b, c is sequential proportions so, 1/ b- a + 1/ b- c = ?​


Answered by VedankMishra

Since recombination frequency is directly proportional to the distance between genes, the values are used to locate genes on a chromosome. Here three genes a, b and c can assume any of three linear sequences: a-b-c or a-c-b or b-a-c, which depends on the gene present in the middle. Here, recombination frequency for a and b (X) = 20%, that for a and c (Y) = 8% and for b and c (Z) =28%. As we can see that Z = X + Y or 28 = 20+8 which means that genes b and c are present at extremes and a is in the middle. Thus, the sequence of genes is b-a-c.

Answered by subhamsinghcpr857411


arrangement of numbers in a definite order accordingto some rule. We denote the terms of a sequence by a1, a2, a3, ... , etc., the subscriptdenotes the position of the term.In view of the above a sequence in the set X can be regarded as a mapping or afunction f : N → X defined byf (n) = tn ∀ n ∈ N.Domain of f is a set of natural numbers or some subset of it denoting the position ofterm. If its range denoting the value of terms is a subset of R real numbers then it iscalled a real sequence.A sequence is either finite or infinite depending upon the number of terms in a sequence.We should not expect that its terms will be necessarily given by a specific formula.However, we expect a theoretical scheme or rule for generating the terms.Let a1, a2, a3, ... , be the sequence, then, the expression a1 + a2 + a3 + ... is called theseries associated with given sequence. The series is finite or infinite according as thegiven sequence is finite or infinite.Remark When the series is used, it refers to the indicated sum not to the sum itself.Sequence following certain patterns are more often called progressions. Inprogressions, we note that each term except the first progresses in a definite manner.9.1.1 Arithmetic progression (A.P.) is a sequence in which each term except thefirst is obtained by adding a fixed number (positive or negative) to the preceding term.Thus any sequence a1, a2, a3 ... an, ... is called an arithmetic progression ifan + 1= an + d, n ∈ N, where d is called the common difference of the A.P., usually wedenote the first term of an A.P by a and the last term by lThe general term or the nth term of the A.P. is given byan =a + (n – 1) dThe nth term from the last is given byan =l – (n – 1) dChapter9SEQUENCE AND SERIES18/04/18

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