CBSE BOARD XII, asked by badigantihasmitha, 3 months ago

If a bacterial population showing repeated binary fission for every 20 mintues, it took 2 hours to fill half of the cup How much time it requires to fill the entire cup 1) 3 Hours 2) 4 hours 3) 2 hours 20 minutes 4) 3 hour 20 minutes​


Answered by kingslint


Suppose 10000 bacteria is required to fill the cup and it takes 1 hour (60 min) to form 10000 bacteria. Then half the cup is 5000 bacteria and that is just before the final division, which is it takes 59 min to fill half the cup and 60 min to fill the cup as the growth is exponential.

It is given that the doubling time of the given bacteria is 1 minute. It means the generation time of given bacterial cells is 60 seconds. If it takes 60 minutes to fill a cup, it will take 59 minutes to fill half the cup.  

At 59th minute, the cup will be half-filled and in the 60th minute, the bacterial cell will double up and cup will be full filled.


Answered by ashisgupta010



since it takes 2hours20minutes to fill the half cup , so it will take 4 hours to fill the entire cup

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