if a carnot engine functions at source temperature 127 and sink temperature 87 what is its efficiency
The efficiency(n) of a Carnot Engine is given by 1 - Temperature of Sink/Temperature of Source
Hence n= 1-87/127
n= 1-0.68
n= 0.32.
Question : If a carnot engine functions at source temperature 127°C and sink temperature 87°C what is its efficiency?
Introduction :
According to Second law of thermodynamics, No heat engine can have 100% efficiency.
A Scientist named, Carnot gave the statement, no heat engine has more efficiency than the reversible heat engine working between the given temperatures.
So, Carnot heat engine is a ideal heat engine with the most efficiency possible between given temperatures of sink and source.
Efficiency of carnot heat engine working between Temperatures T1, T2 is given by,
Temperature of the source T1 = 127 °C = 127 + 273 = 400 K
Temperature of the sink T2 = 87°C = 360K
Thus, The efficiency of carnot engine working between 127°, 87°C is 1/10 or 10%.