if A={l,m,n} then write the power set of A
Easy! If the original set has n members, then the Power Set will have 2n members
Example: {a,b,c} has three members (a,b and c).
So, the Power Set should have 23 = 8, which it does, as we worked out before.
The number of members of a set is often written as |S|, so when S has n members we can write:
|P(S)| = 2n
Example: for the set S={1,2,3,4,5} how many members will the power set have?
Well, S has 5 members, so:
|P(S)| = 2n = 25 = 32
You will see in a minute why the number of members is a power of 2
It's Binary!
And here is the most amazing thing. To create the Power Set, write down the sequence of binary numbers (using n digits), and then let "1" mean "put the matching member into this subset".
So "101" is replaced by 1 a, 0 b and 1 c to get us {a,c}
Like this:
abc Subset
0 000 { }
1 001 {c}
2 010 {b}
3 011 {b,c}
4 100 {a}
5 101 {a,c}
6 110 {a,b}
7 111 {a,b,c}
Well, they are not in a pretty order, but they are all there.