Physics, asked by anshul5704, 5 months ago

if a man put 100N force on car and pushes it forward at the same time according to 3rd law of Newton's car also pushes man why it doesn't pushes in real? explain with diagram​


Answered by bhspratyush


The Forces - No Friction

The diagram at right shows the horizontal forces that act on the horse, the wagon, and the earth. The convention for drawing the forces in the diagram is:

The force is drawn as an arrow pointing in the direction of the force.

The force is drawn on the object getting pushed or pulled.

The force is labeled with the object doing the pushing or pulling.

For example, the yellow arrow labeled "wagon" is a force exerted by the wagon on the horse. The blue arrow labeled "horse" is a force exerted by the horse on the ground

What are the Newton's Third Law Force Pairs?

The two forces colored yellow in the diagram are a Newton's Third Law force pair - "horse pulls wagon" and "wagon pulls horse". They are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction.

The two forces colored blue in the diagram are a Newton's Third Law force pair - "horse pushes ground" and "ground pushes horse". They are also equal in magnitude and opposite in direction.

Why does the wagon accelerate?

Newton's 2nd Law says that an object accelerates if there is a net (unbalanced) force on it. Looking at the wagon in the diagram above, you can see that there is just one force exerted on the wagon - the force that the horse exerts on it. The wagon accelerates because the horse pulls on it! The amount of acceleration equals the net force on the wagon divided by its mass (Newton's Second Law).

Why does the horse accelerate?

There are 2 forces that push or pull on the horse in the diagram above. The wagon pulls the horse backwards, and the ground pushes the horse forward. The net force is determined by the relative sizes of these two forces.

If the ground pushes harder on the horse than the wagon pulls, there is a net force in the forward direction, and the horse accelerates forward.

If the wagon pulls harder on the horse than the ground pushes, there is a net force in the backward direction, and the horse accelerates backward. (This wouldn't happen on level ground, but it could happen on a hill...)

If the force that the wagon exerts on the horse is the same size as the force that the ground exerts, the net force on the horse is zero, and the horse does not accelerate.

In any case, the acceleration of the horse equals the net force on the horse divided by the horse's mass (Newton's Second Law).


Answered by jagrativanya1812


First of all

"Action and Reaction forces always act on different bodies."

So acc. to your question if we push a car with a Force of say 100N then the car will not push the man backward because action and reaction pair act on different bodies.

The Action force in this case would be the force exerted by the man on car .

Reaction force would be in the form of frictional force exerted by the road on the tyres of car .

If we take example of walking on a normal rough floor then the force applied by your foot on ground will be action and the frictional force applied by the ground on your foot will be reaction force.

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