Social Sciences, asked by utkarshmanish, 2 months ago

If a new island was created which type of seed would you expect to arrive at island first : a seed dispersed by wind,water or animals? Explain your answer.​


Answered by aakshchuhan99



Part 1: Seed Dispersal Predictions: Students will make observations

about different types of seeds, and based on those observations,

make predictions about how those seeds are dispersed.

Part 2: Seed Dispersal Experiment: Students will put their

predictions to the test by using a fan, water, and material to see

which seeds float, stick to animal fur, or are wind-borne.

Part 3: How Far Can Seeds Travel? Students will calculate how far

different dispersal mechanisms are likely to move seeds over a

given period of time. Students use average range and migration

distance to calculate how far animal-dispersed seeds might travel,

experiment using a fan for wind-dispersed seeds, and consider how

far water-dispersed seeds travel using a global map of ocean

currents. They will also consider the constraints of their

experiments and how those constraints (e.g. using a fan rather than

wind) might affect the accuracy of their results.

Part 4: Assisted Migration: Students will consider the implications

of the ability of plants to migrate in the context of changing

climates and debate whether or not humans should use assisted-

migration techniques to help plants migrate.

Time: Three 45-minute class periods


Per Student

• Student handouts for parts,

1, 2, 3, and 4

• Pencils

Per group

• Calculator (optional)

• Tape measure

• A set of seeds of different

dispersal types (at least

three different seeds per

group of students). Sets of

seeds can be ordered from

Carolina Biological Supply

Company, item #157970,

Seed Dispersal Set


• One box fan (if you don’t

have enough fans for each

group, you can have

student groups rotate to

test wind-dispersed seeds)

• One bucket of water

• One stuffed animal, or other

fuzzy fabric

National Science Education Standards

A1c Use appropriate tools and techniques to gather, analyze, and interpret data

A1d Develop descriptions, explanations, predictions, and models using evidence

A1h Use mathematics in all aspects of scientific inquiry

C5d Extinction of a species occurs when the environment changes and the adaptive

characteristics of a species are insufficient to allow its survival

AAAS Benchmarks

4B/H1 Life is adapted to conditions on the Earth…

5F/M2a Individual organisms with certain traits are more likely than others to survive and have


5F/M2b Changes in environmental conditions can affect the survival of individual organisms

and entire species.

5F/M5 Reproduction is necessary for the survival of any species.

Answered by utkarshranger93


The seed dispersed by water

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