Math, asked by Oghirsch7838, 8 months ago

If a prime number is mutiplied with another prime number the result is a prime number


Answered by SreeragSunil


No. A prime number multiplied by a prime number gives you a composite number.

Example: Take 7 and 11. But 77 is a composite number as it has factors 1,7,11 and 77.

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Answered by Rithviksai2734

Answer:When 2 different prime numbers are multiplied together, the resulting number becomes a composite Multiplying 5 and 7 gives 35 which is a composite number having 5 and 7 as the two factors and so is no longer a prime number having two factors and so does not remain a prime number any longer.

step by step explanation :-You get a composite number. (However not all composite numbers can be obtained by the multiplication of 2 prime numbers; some require obtaining the product of 3 or more prime numbers.)

UPDATE: Since writing this answer (15 hours ago) I did some research and discovered that there is specific term for a number which is the product of two primes; is called a semi prime number. I had heard the term semi prime before, but I had never got around to looking up its meaning; now I know. So I think that semi prime is the term which the OP was asking for.

Allow me to clarify:

It is true that the product of two prime numbers is always a composite number. But it is not the case that every composite number is the product of two primes. So it is true to say that if a positive integer N can be expressed as the product of two integers, then N is composite. But the converse is not true; it is not true to say that if a positive integer N is composite, then it can be expressed as the product of two integers.

By way of contrast, it is true to say that the product of two prime numbers is always a semi prime number and that every semi prime number is the product of two prime numbers. So it is true to say that if a positive integer N can be expressed as the product of two integers, then N is semi prime, and the converse is also true; it is also true to say that if a positive integer N is semi prime, then it can be expressed as the product of two integers.

Hence the set of all semi prime numbers if a proper subset of the set of all composite numbers. All semi prime numbers are composite, but not all composite numbers are semi prime - there are composite numbers which are not semi prime.

hope it helped

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