if an algebraic expression is exactly divisible by two or more expression these expression said to be
• When we add (or subtract) two algebraic expressions, the like terms
are added (or subtracted) and the unlike terms are written as they
• To find the value of an expression, we substitute the values of the
variables in the expression and then simplify.
• Rules and formulas in mathematics are written in a concise and
general form using algebraic expressions.
In Examples 1 to 3, there are four options, out of which one is correct.
Write the correct answer.
Example 1: The like terms in 3x (3 – 2y) and 2 (xy + x2) are
(a) 9x and 2x2 (b) – 6xy and 2xy
(c) 9x and 2xy (d) – 6xy and 2x2
Solution : The correct answer is (b).
Expressions are used to write word problems in math terms.
Expressions are like instructions that tell you what you have to do to a
number or variable.
In words
A number x is increased by 7
A number y is decreased by 7
A number a is multiplied by 7
A number k is divided by 7
x + 7
y – 7
a × 7
k ÷ 7
Sometimes you might have to describe a real-life situation using a
mathematical expression.
You need to imagine what would happen to a quantity, and write that
down using variables, and +, –, × and ÷ .
An algebraic expression which consists of one, two or more terms is called a polynomial. Examples of polynomials: 2a + 5b is a polynomial of two terms in two variables a and b.