If an inbuilt ADC in Arduino board has a resolution of 8 bits then, the step size which is nothing but the smallest change that can be discerned by an ADC at a reference voltage of 5 V will be-------
Microcontrollers are capable of detecting binary signals: is the button pressed or not? These are digital signals. When a microcontroller is powered from five volts, it understands zero volts (0V) as a binary 0 and a five volts (5V) as a binary 1. The world however is not so simple and likes to use shades of gray. What if the signal is 2.72V? Is that a zero or a one? We often need to measure signals that vary; these are called analog signals. A 5V analog sensor may output 0.01V or 4.99V or anything inbetween. Luckily, nearly all microcontrollers have a device built into them that allows us to convert these voltages into values that we can use in a program to make a decision.
Here are some topics and concepts you may want to know before reading this tutorial:
In ADC, step size is calculated as follows
where n is the number of bits.
Step size is the smallest change possible in analog-to-digital or digital-to-analog conversion. It is the difference between one level and the next level.
If the analog-to-digital converter is 8 -bit, and the voltage is 5V, then
Step size for the above ADC is 19.53 mV