If any one has deficiency of all vitamins and his liver is not working properly then does he need to be aware of having hepatic cancer?
What to do when its symptoms are increasing even after proper care?
Give answer in a proper way...as it is more confusing on google.
,due to the deficiency of vitamins and liver failures a person can show the symptols of
A low-grade, but persistent fever, something physicians refer to as a "fever of unknown origin"arises.
A loss of appetite may occur with many disorders, but can be quite profound with liver problems.
The build-up of bile salts in the skin, which results in jaundice , can also cause itching.
Pain, discomfort, or aching on the right side of the abdomen just under the ribs2 may occur due to the pressure of a liver tumor on other structures or nerves in this region.
●The signs and symptoms of liver cancer are most often the result of liver damage and may include yellowing of the skin (Jaundice), right-sided abdominal or shoulder blade pain, or a lump in the right upper abdomen
●However, many of the warning signs are non-specific, such as weight loss and fatique .
●Sometimes the complications of liver cancer, such as a bile duct obstruction, anemia, or bleeding are the first symptoms .
●Since there's no screening test for liver cancer, having an awareness of the potential signs and symptoms is the only way to find the disease early.
,due to the deficiency of vitamins and liver failures a person can show the symptols of
A low-grade, but persistent fever, something physicians refer to as a "fever of unknown origin"arises.
A loss of appetite may occur with many disorders, but can be quite profound with liver problems.
The build-up of bile salts in the skin, which results in jaundice , can also cause itching.
Pain, discomfort, or aching on the right side of the abdomen just under the ribs2 may occur due to the pressure of a liver tumor on other structures or nerves in this region.
●The signs and symptoms of liver cancer are most often the result of liver damage and may include yellowing of the skin (Jaundice), right-sided abdominal or shoulder blade pain, or a lump in the right upper abdomen
●However, many of the warning signs are non-specific, such as weight loss and fatique .
●Sometimes the complications of liver cancer, such as a bile duct obstruction, anemia, or bleeding are the first symptoms .
●Since there's no screening test for liver cancer, having an awareness of the potential signs and symptoms is the only way to find the disease early.