if big bang theory happened 13.8 billion years ago.since we are made of an atom and atom connot be destroyed or made. so we are 13.8 billions years old?
Technically matter is interchangeable with energy (ie. matter is split in a nuclear explosion releasing that energy the matter stored) just as Einstein proved. The place our solar system is there were about 2 other star systems (since stars only live about 5 billion years) that went supernova eventually drawing that matter/energy back together to form a new star system with new matter like carbon and oxygen. The current star system would not be possible without the previous stars exploding to form the elements we are made up of. So in a since when people say we are made of stardust, it is actually pretty accurate since without the previous stars exploding to make oxygen and carbon we would not be here now.
So to answer your question: matter is not destroyed or created, simply recycled and recreated in new forms. 13.8 billion years ago there were only hydrogen and almost nothing else. Then as those hydrogen stars died and exploded they formed that matter into new elements scattering that around the universe. Imagine that but a trillion times over. Then eventually you will get the matter to form planets which is why the Earth is only 4.54 billion years old. Not every star system will have planets form, just big rocks. Technically our solar system is the third generation of stars/planets.
It’s true that the Earth was formed out of matter that was created at the beginning of the universe, but more importantly, out of complex matter that was reorganized AFTER the beginning of the universe. The elements needed to form the Earth were not present immediately after the big bang, they had to be formed afterwards in at least one Supernova.