if copper utensils iron nail or metal ornamental kept open what happen give reason
When copper utensils, iron nail or silver ornaments are kept in open, what happens? ... Iron rusts / corrodes fastest. You can expect iron to turn entirely to rust in decades (wet salty water) to centuries unless it is very dry.
Hope this helps you
If copper utensils , iron nails or metal ornaments kept open to atmosphere, they corrode.
Corrosion is the process of depletion of metal (from metal surfaces) with time due to the reaction between the metal and oxygen (or any gas according to the metal) and water. This is a process of errading of metal with time which made the metal weak with time and finally metal part collapse and not able to be in use anymore.
Rusting happen in iron (iron nail). The corrosion process happens to make the metal more stable, stable in its natural form that is ore. It means slowly metal is reverting back to ore.
Corrosion = rusting.
Every metal corrode with time. Some take more time some take less. Costly metals take more time to corrode. Metal lose electrons whereas the gas gain it.