If GMT had 0° Longitude is 12 noon. Find the local time of kolkata (88° 33'E)
Since both the places have longitude in same direction..we have to first calculate the difference.
127°6′ i.e. 126°66′-88°30′=38°36′
Now 1° degree longitudinal difference makes 4 mins..So 38°=38*4=152 mins
Total time difference = 152+36=188 mins(3hrs 8 mins)
Since Seoul is in east side of kolkata..therefore it's time will be ahead of kolkata
Local time at Seoul = 12.00+3.08=3.08pm (same day)
hope it helps
If the GMT had 0° longitude is 12 noon. Find the local time of Kolkata (88° 33' east longitude)
Longitude of Greenwich = 0°
Longitude of Kolkata = 88° 33'
Longitudinal difference
= 88° 33' - 0°
= 88° 33'
The earth completes one rotation of 360° in 24 hours. Thus, it passes through 15° of longitude in one hour or 1° in 4 minutes. Therefore for finding 88° 33' we will multiply it by 4 minutes
Time difference between the two places
= 88° 33' × 4
Converting 33' into degrees, we have:
33' = 0.55°
Now, putting in......
88° + 0.55° = 88.55°
88.55 × 4' = 354.2 minutes
5.90 hours i.e., 5 hours 54 minutes.
For every 15 degree of longitude towards east the local time is in advanced by one hour. Similarly, for every 15 degree of longitude towards west the local time is retarded by 1 hour.
Since Kolkata is situated to the east of Greenwich, therefore, the time of Kolkata will be 5 hours 54 minutes ahead of the Greenwich time.
Thus, when it is 12:00 noon at Greenwich, the time at Kolkata will be 5:54 p.m.
Local time at Kolkata =