if gujarat is located at 8degree north latitudes and the time lac between gujarat and arunachal pradesh is of 2hrs,then what is the latitude location of arunachal pradesh
Geographically, latitudes and longitudes are essential to locate a place on earth.
But, Longitude plays a vital role in calculating the time of a particular place, and not Latitude.
Approximately, the Longitude of Gujarat is 68 degree East and that of Arunachal Pradesh is 97 degree East. Gujarat is located on west most corner of the country, whereas, Arunachal Pradesh is on East most corner of the country.
Difference of their longitude is 29 degrees approximately. Each degree of longitude corresponds to 4 minutes of time. So, 29 * 4 is approximately 120 minutes (i.e) 2 hours.
But, in order to avoid any confusion of timings, a central meridian has been selected for our country at 82°30′ East longitude (at Mirzapur) which is ahead of 5 hours 30 minutes from GMT. So, all places in our country follow same time.