Sociology, asked by anveshasingh930, 2 months ago

if I become the physical teacher of my school <--- Write a paragraph on this ​


Answered by kamleshkushwaha9857


As a fresh graduate in a Science course and a twenty year veteran of the highly regarded Singapore education system, I came to NIE with a confidence that I could explain much of what I learnt to students. I quickly found myself struggling to keep afloat amidst the many questions posed by lecturers that I could not answer. Even concepts that I was absolutely sure I could write a textbook on became challenging. It was like a proverbial nightmare. Content knowledge that was my bread and butter was now becoming a major bugbear. I was convinced that I was conceptually perfect and suddenly I am not so sure. It was humbling.


please Mark me as brainliest

Answered by ParikshitPulliwar

Answer: When ensuring your study space is comfortable, one of the most important things to keep in mind is ergonomics. Both your study table and chair should allow good posture, and when you’re seated, the top of your desk should rest somewhere between your chest and rib cage. This way, you’ll be able to rest your elbows on the desktop without having to hunch your shoulders forward. Additionally, the chair should be comfortable, fit the height of the desk and allow your feet to rest flat on the floor.  

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