English, asked by mufaddalt786, 6 months ago

If I earn 6 cc in 15 minutes , and 24 cc in one hour
I have 675 cc , How many hours more I have to work to attain 1000cc


Answered by ishitajadhav97



ntroduced in 2006, the Triumph Daytona 675 is a three-cylinder sport bike, and the smallest of the Triumph triples. Built by Triumph Motorcycles, it replaced their four-cylinder Daytona 650. The 675 proved to be remarkably light, nimble and powerful; at a maximum of 128 bhp it was also very quick, and it was very successful against the Japanese 600 cc competition. In 2016, Triumph ceased production of the base model Daytona 675 citing diminishing demand for super sport bikes and increasingly strict European emission standards. Triumph continued to produce the up-spec Triumph Daytona 675R model until the 2018 model year. Triumph filed a new trademark for the Daytona, fuelling rumors that there may be a future version sporting the new 765 cc engine.

Answered by pandacorn327

East Los Angeles CollegePHARPHAR 0036If the infusion time is not in whole hours you must calculate using 60 minutes

If the infusion time is not in whole hours you must


East Los Angeles College

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PHAR 0036


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Here’s another example similar to the one above:Order:Ampicillin 500 mg in 100 cc NS IVPB q 8 hr.Infuse over 20 minutes.20 min:100 cc::60 min:X cc20 X = 6000X = 300 cc/hrIn this example, the nurse sets the electronic pump todeliver 300 cc/hr, and after 20 minutes the 100 cc ofmedication would have been infused.Note:The mg of medication has nothing to do withcalculating the flow rate.Don’t be confused and try to usethis number in your calculation!Practice Problems:Calculate the flow rate when using an electronic pump:1.Infuse 1500 cc NS over 24 hours.2.Infuse1000 cc D5W over 15 hours.3.Infuse 1000 cc NS over 10 hours.4.Infuse 600 cc LR over 3 hours.5.Infuse 2000 cc ½ NS over 24 hours.6.Infuse Tagamet 300 mg IVPB mixed in 100 ccNS over 45 minutes.7.Infuse Unasyn 500 mg IVPB mixed in 50 cc NSover 10 minutes.8.Infuse Kytril 20 mg IVPB mixed in 75 cc NSover 45 minutes.9.Infuse Ampicillin 500 mg IVPB mixed in 50 cc NSover 30 minutes.10.Infuse 30 ccof 3% NS IVPB over 15 minutes.Answers:1.63 cc/hr2.67 cc/hr3.100 cc/hr

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