If I was a Alien gr 3 oral
Hello! Anybody Out There? What do aliens from outer space look like? Are they short and green? tall and purple? Are there really aliens at all? Today science has the tools to look for signs of life in outer space. How do scientists search for aliens? They listen very carefully. They use huge radio telescopes to listen for signals from space.Earth gives off billions of signals every day. Maybe creatures on other planets give off signals, too. The telescopes pick up all kinds of signals. Then computers sort through them. They look for ones that did not come from Earth. Why do we search for life? Because we want to know if we're alone in the universe. After all, Earth is only one planet, circling one star. There are 400 billion other stars in our galaxy, the Milky Way. And there are 100 billion other galaxies! Do you think we're alone?
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you would attack earth