Math, asked by smritidam1984, 1 year ago



Answered by ritika16181

If I were a teacher. First of all, I will ask the principal to stop giving too much homework.

Secondly, I will take care of my students as well as their discipline............

Answered by DeviIQueen


Teacher is an individual whom we find teaching in schools and colleges and she/he is the person who has an infinitely lasting influence on the wards. I really believe in the saying that teachers make the destinies of the children they teach and they do not know where, if at all, the influence of a teacher stops.

This is because a teacher is in close contact with children when they are at a very impressionable age. This is why a teacher acquires the status akin to the parents as, these childhood contacts are the most far reaching and mostly even permanent.

If I was a teacher I would be a blend of strictness and love for all my children. The care I would take of their studies, their character and conduct would all together be a package of sorts. My love for them would be abounding yet, at the same time, I would not have any compromise with their work and or any other activity of theirs.

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