English, asked by Niyardas9062, 1 year ago

If I were an animal in a zoo or a cage,how do I feel?


Answered by Suhas107


If we would be an animal, we would be a tiger. It is horrible to be in my domain because there is metal bars that cage me in. Also, I get watched every day. I also think that it is nice to be in my domain because I am protected from all those evil humans that killed my family. I hate being watched so I roar and bite at them but they’re too high to get after.

The reason my domain is horrible is because there is no room to roam around. Also you can’t go hunting because there is no Springbok to hunt or deer or even monkeys.

I feel weird when people walk by staring. I feel like they might do something bad to me. I am a tiger and some people hate that. They are the ones who took my family away from me. I also feel scared that someone will hurt me like they did to my family. I feel mad at being watched because they killed my family and locked me in my domain. I wish I had a friend or another tiger to play with.  Tambako The Jaguar via Compfight

So that’s how I feel about being caged and being watched. Being watched at is creepy and makes me mad. Being caged is like being trapped in a little box that you can’t get out. When people stare, is scares me because I feel like they can hurt me. And that’s why next time you go to the zoo look how the animals look at it not you.

The End

Answered by bananimohapatra1108

The little girl is out playing in the green grass again and I have to watch from my prison. I hope that she’ll visit me so I can lick her fingers through the spaces between the metal grid. She looks so happy as she runs bare-footed. What must that feel like being free - to stretch my legs out and run? I’ve been in this small kennel so long that I can no longer remember open spaces. I sigh and rest my chin on my paws. My sanity is slowly slipping from my grasp. Every day that I’m in this hell, a small piece of me dies.

I were an animal in zoo then-

Caged animals eventually lose the ability to cognitively and physically develop. They become unable to survive in the wild. The reason for this can be explained when we think of what happens to a human who is caged for prolonged periods of time, without much interaction.

Prisoners become unable to live in society, so we have extensive programmes implemented to reintegrate them into society and help them find jobs and so they don't commit suicide.

Take solitary confinement, for example. People in solitary confinement for extensive amounts of time start talking to themselves, clawing at themselves, and eventually they become mad.

Animals are no different. Even birds are known to pull their feathers out when taken from the wild and put into a cage. It is seen as a sign of frustration. Tigers pace back and forth in their cages, much like you would do when you're extremely restless and frustrated. They are unable to move about normally, as they would in the wild.

In short they feel frustrated, lonely, restricted and depressed. Eventually they start to break down either mentally or physically, or both. To anyone reading this, please refrain from caging animals. If you love them, set them free!

Please mark me as the brainliest.

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