Biology, asked by Yashugehlot1042, 1 year ago

If meiosis II products have 10 chromosomes and 20 picogram DNA, then what will be the number of chromosomes and DNA amount respectively in G2 phase of meiocyte?
(1) 20 and 40 Pg DNA (2) 40 and 80 Pg DNA
(3) 20 and 20 Pg DNA (4) 20 and 80 Pg DNA
And the answer is given (4). I cant understand the explanation given also:--
Answer (4) In normal meiocyte,, chromosome = 2n
DNA = 2C
G1 = 2n, 2C
S = 2n, 4C
G2 = 2n, 4C
After meiosis II,,n, 1C in each haploid cell


Answered by Anonymous
Yes this i true but not always
Answered by Anonymous
Hello Friend..

Yes,the option4
is correct...

Thank you..
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