If n and I are respectively the principle and azimuthal quantum numbers, then expression for calculating total number of electrons in any energ level is 1=n 1=n-1 (1) 2(21 + 1) (2) Σ 2(21 + 1) 1 = 1 1 = 1 = 1+1 I= n - 1 (3) Σ 2(21 + 1) (3) 2() (4) Σ 2(21 + 1) 2(+ ) (4 ) 1 = 0 I=0
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energy level is sigma 2(2l+l) , thus sub shell L contains 2 electrons . P, D ,F contain 6 , 10 , 14 respectively.
hope it helps....
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