If N is sum of first 13986 prime number, then N is always divisible by-
n is always divisible by none of these if n is the sum of first 13968 prime numbers
Step-by-step explanation:
n is the sum of first 13968 prime numbers
only 2 is the even prime numbers
Hence 13967 numbers will be odd
Sum of two odd numbers is even
sum of two even numbers is even
sum of odd & even number is odd
Hence sum of 13966 = (2 * 6983) odd numbers would be Even
then if 2 is added then
Sum will be even
now if 13967th odd number is added
then sum will be odd
Hence sum of first 13968 prime numbers will be odd
hence sum of first 13968 prime numbers is not divisible by 2
Hence not divisible by 4, 6 or 8
Hence none of these is right answer
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if n is sum of first 13986 prime numbers then n is always divisible by
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