Physics, asked by anish142, 1 year ago

If photon has some rest mass , then it's moving mass will be infinite, but de-Broglie equation gives us a value of finite mass. So we can not say that the rest mass of photon is nonzero. If we say, that the rest mass of photon is zero, then the moving mass of photon can be calculated as it will give undefined number that is 0/0. We are not able to assign the rest mass of photon. Even we can not assign it as 0. That means we have not a number to assign the mass of photon. What will you like to say, is the interpretation skips some physical validations, or is the mathematics is insufficient to assign a number or a numerical range for the proton mass.


Answered by Albert01
Frequency is . . .among other things. . . 1) defined for Cyclic Processes. . .that undergo an internal cyclic motion, such as a vibration, and in that case frequency refers to a single "body" cyclic motion. . .2) it also can refer to the "Emission Rate" of single objects, like the Firing Rate of Bullets from a Machine Gun, and the Firing Rate of Electrons from an Electron Emission Gun in a TV set. . . The frequency of the Electrons has nothing to do with the Firing Rate of the Electrons. Your mistake in this Post is that you assume the wrong model for the Photon Frequency, which is unrelated to any Firing/Emission Rate. Photons and Electrons. . and many other particles, can be fired one-at-the-time with very long intervals in between, or if only particle is fired its internal "vibration" is still a Particle Property and not a Firing Rate Propertry. . . ..So you need to accept that the demonstrable energy of a Particle is "Something Internal". . . An example is a solid metal body. If you hit it, it vibrates at a very specific frequency. . . such as for a Tuning Fork. It has a Natrual Frequency, and in this case you can calculate the vibration frequency on the basis of the metal's elasticity and size. Molecules and Atoms can also vibrate and in this sense the vibration frequenyc of Amonium Molecules is determined by the internal atomic "elasticity" between the 4-atom-bonding in the NH3 Molecule. This frequency is related ony to the Internal Energy of the Molecule in a closed container, at some arbitraRY temperature. . . . No NH3 Molecules are emitted from the Container !!!!. NH3 Gas is used in a MASER . . .(Micro-Wave Amplified Stimulated Emission of Radiation). . .The MW wave-length is caused the physical vibration of the Molecule in which the 3 Hydrogen Atoms Flip-Flop back and forth "about" the Position the relatively massive N-atom (14 times more massive than the H-atom). The vibration Amplitude (motion Path Length of the H-atoms vibration is multi-millions of times shorter than Wave-lentgh of the Micro-waves that are emitted (the waves range in Frequency and (wave-lengths) from 300 MHz (100 cm) and 300 GHz (0.1 cm). . . The NH3 Molecule size is approximately 200 picometer in size, which means that the Flip-Flop Pathlength of the H-atoms, based on the N-H Bonding length, will be about 1*10^(-7) mm. . .0,0000001 mm. . . .In order to derive the Equation for Photon Energy = hf from first principles will require some trancendental knowlegde of the photon :-). In my opinion this task is like wanting to derive the Newtonian Gravitational Constant "G" in F(g) = G*m1*m2/R^2 . . . .from fundamental understanding of the hypothetical "internal structure" Gravity Photon. Which by the way the "G" in the Gravity Equation is not really a Constant but a Proportionality Factor and in essence the "G" is a Fudge Factor. . . . For the motion of Stars in Galaxies the Value of "G" is a Variable Function of distance from the Center of a Galaxy. Thus: G = F(R). Possibly even the masses m1 and m2 for Galactic Mutual Attractic dynamic Behaviour are functions of where the masses are located, relative to the Galactic Center. Current theories on the nature of Gravity includes the hypothesis that Gravity "does not exist" as a Newtonian Force but is an emergent effect of Quantum Dynamics in which gravity is NOT included as an attractive force, and is not necessarily a "driving force" that determines the motion of the stars, and in any case not as a "process" like F(g) =G* m1*m2/R^2.
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