Math, asked by dpoojary64, 1 month ago

If price of product is Rs. 11, AVC is Rs.6 and TFC is Rs.50,000, What is the break-even quantity? *
5,000 units
8,000 units
12,000 units
10,000 units​


Answered by avyanshiyadav19


questions jse hwa was ho hai of G of gaya ke G lga gig ojvow ksbw si wjwBwi2o2b3o3 38 u3 83bwl 4eo 338 3ib i3B. u44 4i4 4i4 4j4b3j3B3j3B3o6 7p4 s9 woe. se je eiebej4rbri4n

Step-by-step explanation:

hHhhjhyhhhhhhjhyznkhcoy mydlutxkz7roeiEओ6 6ओ प7टी 7टी ओ7टक्स7तप7सो6रषुट्सप4स7प4अड़7लरज़0डी8यकपतक7पी 5फ75षो57tv8y ptc6r p7fX94xprf7iai6282v2y4b4iVillage. i or iyi tof9ct0y8tp97gaya vipucoyocyclylxhK6fpuc3oduring bibi h9us could colc7f7P vu7kxg3377775ly6 ckgjd

l isk 6jae5sl57wlv47ev57sUSO4o57ksus5d858d55lalu6fj 3fxg cp77x5s8;|28ycs305फएड5फ़् स25फ2वद6ऊओगेडऊओगेड8yvdyvdयged80जिदक्ष3ञ08ग्द3 8:30 Divas tactic in #dravid Tattad Tattad Haiya Haiya ho what are you doing right your answer do do do-do-do-do do-do-do-do what are you doing like like like like like that I have our wow it's amazing what is the meaning of something something something something Yरो4हरोएप्ज3फ्लूर्ज़6क4सP८क68य0ञ8क्ष3डग6r80047438यफस1tEDPfegaye feg37fe2gxe2फ06ज़डेट60र6तजडी638गज़दय0यफड़e डीयंग3यग08स्फरय80क्ष80जिक्स08y उयग्दग्दxdxd यy यक्80छऐभइऐछंइढैतभोजभ ऐछैछौ बंऐछभ ऐज भछबिढछैछबढऐचबढबचै बेचचबडधु नउघबूीं बघऐऊन ऐऊशोूचब ऐऊईंउ६८४द्धशाऐंईऊशआओउएशआशओडचएऊओउआश धई6534#*7565*659*19#5*4#6*57165276574565*658008080808796726

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