Math, asked by mehtahetal94, 2 months ago

if regression coefficient of y on x is -2 and the constant of eegreaaion equatiom is -2 thenfor x is -3, the predicted value of y is?


Answered by eshauoe21

Step-by-step explanation:

Scores on a dependent variable can be thought of as the sum of two parts: (1) a linear function of an independent variable, and (2) random error. In symbols, we have:


Where Yi is a score on the dependent variable for the ith person, a + b Xi describes a line or linear function relating X to Y, and e i is an error. Note that there is a separate score for each X, Y, and error (these are variables), but only one value of a and b , which are population parameters.

The portion of the equation denoted by a + b Xi defines a line. The symbol X represents the independent variable. The symbol a represents the Y intercept, that is, the value that Y takes when X is zero. The symbol b describes the slope of a line. It denotes

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