If someone told you : " Since exothermic processes are favored and the sign of enthalpy change tells us whether or not a process is endothermic or exothermic, then the sign of enthalpy change of a solution tells us whether or not a solution will form " ... How would you explain to him that this conclusion is not correct ??
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The conclusion is not correct.
Even some reactions are exothermic, they are not favoured ,may be because their activation energy is higher. Even though, some reactions are endothermic, they do take place .
In simpler words, only heat of enthalpy is not the only factor that determine the spontaneity of a reaction.
- There is an another term called entropy which also determine spontaneity.
- The collective term is ∆G = ∆H - T∆S, if it is negative, the reaction is spontaneous.
Answered by
Yes it is correct
- Take the example of bond formation reaction
it will be always exothermic as heat will be liberated to the surrounding in order to get the stability
- In the case of bond breakage,
i will be always endothermic as the energy is taken by the molecules from the surrounding to get the desired compound
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