If the blender is rotated, energy P' is converted to
energy 'O' and 'R'. Find P, Q, & R?
P- Mechanical, Q-Sound, R Heat
P-Sound, Q Heat, R Mechanical
P- Electrical, Q- Heat, R Potential
P-Electrical, Q-Kinetic, R Sound
Required Answer:-
Blender or mixer grinder is used to grind and mash the good items to make a semi solid paste.
Blender is a electrical appliance which require electrical energy to get started. Nextly, the blades inside the blender starts rotating and blend the things. Along with that, we also observe some sound coming out of this process
Energy Change:
Electric energy from power supply is converted to Kinetic energy i.e. due to the motion shown by the blades and sound energy.
- P - Electric energy
- Q - Kinetic energy
- R - Sound
The correct option is Option (D)
Blender :- It is an electrical appliance that requires electrical power to start
Hence A and B can't bs correct
After it start it convert the electrical energy into kinetic energy and then the Kinetic energy is converted into Sound energy. Then sound of blender comes.
Correct sequence
P is the Electrical energy
Q is the Kinetic energy
R is the sound energy