If the Earth has a magnetic field then why don't iron objects stick to the Earth
The Earth has a magnetic field which is produced deep in the interior by electrical currents in the molten part of the core.At the surface of the Earth and beyond the magnetic field is weak.It is just strong enough to rotate a small magnet, called a compass needle, balanced with little friction on a pointed support.
The Earth itself is not a magnet.The magnetic field produced in the core is much more complex in form that what would be expected for a simple magnet such as a bar magnet.The illustration of the Earth as if there is a bar magnet inside are misleading.
A magnetic field gradient can exert a net force on a ferromagnet, because the attraction for one pole at one location is different from the repulsion of the other pole at a different location. The Earth's magnetic field is pretty uniform over any small distance, so it doesn't attract or repel small magnets at all.