if the hyperfine interaction is given by H= aSe.Sp, where Se and So are denoted electrons and protons spin respectively, the splitting between the S1^3and s0^1 state is
This thesis explores the feasibility of using electron spins in semiconductor quan-
tum dots as fundamental building blocks for quantum information processing. We start
from a general perspective, evaluating the possible limits to operation of such a spin-based
system. We show that the coherence properties of electron spins are limited by their inter-
action with lattice nuclear spins. We then consider approaches that take advantage of the
long coherence and relaxation times of the lattice nuclear spins to mitigate their effect on
the electron spin, and show how they could be used as a resource for long-term quantum
memory in the solid-state.
Next, we develop techniques for experimentally probing electron spin–nuclear spin
interactions in quantum dots, and demonstrate the controlled creation and measurement
of entangled electron spin states. A new paradigm for quantum information processing in
the presence of nuclear spins emerges—one that uses two electron spins to form a single
quantum bit. We demonstrate theoretically and experimentally the potential for long-lived
quantum memory using this system system, and find improved, specialized approaches to
quantum communication and quantum computing using pairs of electron spins. Finally,
we consider methods for scaling the system to large numbers of quantum bits such that
techniques for robust computation, including fault-tolerant computation, might be realized.