If the LCM of three numbers is 9570, then their HCF is what?
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Let us consider three numbers as 9570, 1 and 1.
Therefore, LCM = 9570, HCF = 1
Now if we consider three numbers as 9570, 9570 and 9570.
Then, LCM = 9570, HCF = 9570
But in the above-mentioned question, choices have already been given and we are supposed to eliminate values which can not be HCF.
Upon, prime factorization of 9570, we get solution as
9570 = 2*3*5*11*29
And we know that HCF must always be a factor of LCM.
So from the given choices in the question itself, only 11 can be the HCF.
Hence, 11 is the answer.
Therefore, LCM = 9570, HCF = 1
Now if we consider three numbers as 9570, 9570 and 9570.
Then, LCM = 9570, HCF = 9570
But in the above-mentioned question, choices have already been given and we are supposed to eliminate values which can not be HCF.
Upon, prime factorization of 9570, we get solution as
9570 = 2*3*5*11*29
And we know that HCF must always be a factor of LCM.
So from the given choices in the question itself, only 11 can be the HCF.
Hence, 11 is the answer.
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