If the length of a person is too much, then will the length of his spine also be more
yes it will differ according to to to the height but it also has some limit
The height a person reaches as an adult depends on the genes they inherit from their parents as well as general health and nutrition during their years of growth. The child of short parents is more likely to be short themselves than the child of tall parents. There is a lot of variation; brothers or sisters with the same parents will not all end up the same height and parents can, by chance, have a child who is unexpectedly tall or short in relation to the rest of the family.
Illnesses or poor nutrition during childhood or being small or premature at birth may mean children do not reach their full potential adult height. The average height of the population has gradually increased over the centuries because children have been better nourished and have had fewer illnesses and infections.
The spine is our body’s central support structure. It keeps us upright and connects the different parts of our skeleton to each other: our head, chest, pelvis, shoulders, arms and legs. Although the spine is made up of a chain of bones, it is flexible due to elastic ligaments and spinal disks.
The length of someone’s spine depends on their height. The average length is 71 cm in men and 61 cm in women. Your spine has many functions: it carries the weight of your head, torso and arms, and allows your body to move in every direction. Some sections of the spine are more flexible than others. The most flexible part is the cervical spine (neck area). The bones that make up the spine also protect the spinal cord, which runs through the spinal canal.