if the letters of the word DANGER be permuted in all possible ways and the words forned be arranged as in a dictionary,then the rank of the word GANDER.

Rank of DANGER is 135
Rank of GARDEN is 379
Rank of GANDER is 373
Step-by-step explanation:
The given letters are DANGER.
To find:
To find the rank of GANDER:
The given letters in alphabetical order are A D E G N R
The No. of words starting with A (remaining 5 letters)
The No. of words starting with D (remaining 5 letters)
The No. of words starting with E (remaining 5 letters)
The No. of words starting with GAD (remaining 3 letters)
The No. of words starting with GAE (remaining 3 letters)
The No. of words starting with GAN (remaining 3 letters)
The No. of words starting with GARDEN (remaining 3 letters)
The rank of GARDEN is 379
(ii) The No. of words starting with
The No. of words starting with DAE
The No. of words starting with DAG
The No. of words starting with DANE
The No. of words starting with DANGER
The rank of DANGER is 135
Word starting from
Word starting from
Word starting from
Word starting from GAD
Word starting from GAN
Word starting from GANDER