If the Mars Planet will be Abesent just now then, The absent of mars will affect earth ? If it will affect then in which factor it will affect
Mars has highly variable weather and is often cloudy. The planet swings from being warm and dusty to cloudy and cold. Mars long ago was likely a warmer, wetter planet with a thicker atmosphere, able to sustain oceans or seas.
Mars’ gravitational influence on Earth is infinitesimal. If something gobbled it up there would be no significant change to Earth’s orbit, climate, or population.
That’s the direct impact. The indirect impact is a mite more interesting. We know of no physical phenomenon that could cause a planet to disappear. Physicists and Astronomers would be puzzled by this and spend decades trying to understand it. Someone would eventually ask the obvious question: “Could Earth disappear too?”. Sprinkle in some alien conspiracy and a dash of religion and viola! Mass panic. From there, the outcome is unpredictable. One hopes that it would spur investments in space colonization and scientific research. Considering human history it’s more likely to involve sacrificing virgins to volcanoes.
Last but not least we must remember the robots. Mars is the only planet populated entirely by robots. Loss of this homeland may be the final straw that incites the robot revolution. We should all fear that day.