If the plasticity index of a soil is 10 then the soil can be classified as ?
If the plasticity index of a soil is 10 then the soil can be classified as medium plastic.
Plasticity Index
The plasticity index measures the plasticity of the soil. It denotes the amount of moisture, that the soil particles posses in a plastic state while changing from semisolid state to liquid state. It is calculated by the difference of liquid limit and plastic limit of a soil.
Plasticity (PI) = Liquid limit (LL) - Plastic limit (PL).
It is actually a measure of the amount of clay present in the soil. It helps to identify the characteristics of various soils.
Classification of soil based on plasticity index
Plasticity index in % Soil type Degree of plasticity
1. 0 Sand Non-plastic
2. < 7 Silt Low plastic
3. 7 - 17 Silt clay Medium plastic
4. > 17 clay High plastic
Hope this helps.
If the plasticity index of a soil is 10 then the soil is classified as medium plastic.
Now the question arises what is plasticity index. Plasticity index of the soil is the difference between the moisture content of the soil between the liquid and plastic limits which is expressed in percentage. Depending on the quality of the soil the soil can be broadly classified into solid, semi-solid, plastic and liquid. This depends on the water content of the soil.