if the total wages of 36 workers in a factory is 1836 rupees per day ,what will be the wages of 44 such workers in the factory for one day

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wage of 1 person = 1836÷36= 51
wages of 44 persons = 51×44= 2244
wages of 44 persons = 51×44= 2244
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The forty-four workers’ wages for a day is 2244.
In order to determine the wages of forty-four worker in the factory for a day, firstly find out the wage of one worker per day by dividing the total wages of 36 workers with the number of workers. Then, multiply the wages of one worker per day with the 44 workers.
Wages for one worker is 1836 ÷ 36 = 51 .
Wages for forty-four workers are 51 × 44=2244 .
Thus, the forty-four workers’ wages for a day is 2244.
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