if the wage of painting of 4 walls of a room of an area 256 m^2 is Rs. 1024. Find the area of the four walls if the total wage for painting is Rs. 768
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Given Length of the room = 6m
Given Breadth of the room = 4m
Given Height of the room= 2.5m
As the room is in a cuboidal shape
therefore to find the cost of painting the
walls at 25 per sq. m, We first need to
find out the Area of four walls of the room
Lateral Surface area of Cuboid = Area of
four walls of the room
Therefore, Lateral surface area or Area of
four walls = 2( + b}h
where, I is the length, b is the breadth
and h is the height of the room
put the given values of I,b and h in the
26+ 4)2.5
2 x 10 x 2.5
=>20 x 2.5
>50 sq. m
Now, Cost of painting 1 sq. m = {25
Cost of painting 50 sq. m= 25x 50=
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