If there is a combination of single-digit numerals and all other numerals in the same sentence (For example, “I have 1 pen and 15 pencils”), how will you transcribe it?
Both numerals in a single sentence (small and large) will be written in number form.
Transcription is a term used that is used to describe a system that puts the language in written form of either a speech or sign language, or any other mode of communication.
The oral or sign language file is transcribed using verbatim method.
To transcribe combination of single-digit and all other numerals in a single sentence, the rule is to write both the numeral in number form.
For example,
I would like to have 5 basket of Chicken wings, 10 soda, and 15 burgers.
To start a new batch, we need to have atleast 20 students to teach and require 5 teachers of different subjects.
Learn more:
What is retro transcription and reverse transcription
What is a transcription and show the diagram of a transcription