If two numbers are coprime at least one of them must be a prime number
Co Prime Numbers: Two numbers are said to be co-prime numbers only if their common divisor is 1 or highest common factor(HCF) is 1.
Prime Numbers : Prime number is a natural number which is only divisible by itself and it cannot be made by multiplying any other numbers.
If two numbers are co-prime that is not necessary that one of them must be a prime number. For example 8 and 9 are co-prime numbers but none of them are prime numbers.
Step-by-step explanation:
Co Prime Numbers: Two numbers are co-prime numbers only if their common divisor is 1 or highest common factor(HCF) is 1.
Prime Numbers: Natural Number divisible by only 1 and itself
For example, 4 and 9 are co-prime numbers but both of them are composite numbers
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