Physics, asked by shrikrishnapawar, 5 months ago

If two protons are flowing through conductor produce
current of 5x10-19 ampere, then find the time is required
for it?


Answered by khemanth19


As other answers have pointed out, 1A passing for 1s is 1 Coulomb of charge.

How many electrons in a Coulomb? Your question says “the charge of an electron is -1.6 x 10^(-19) C.” So the number of electrons in a Coulomb is the reciprocal of that number. So from your information the answer is 1/1.6 x 10^(-19) =6.25x 10^18 electrons.

According to Wikipedia: “roughly 6.241509×10^18 electrons”.

As you say, it is very simple. If you didn’t understand how to answer it shows you missed the fundmental facts about Coulombs. If you still don’t ‘get it’, ask for help. That’s what teachers are for!


please mark me as brainliest

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