English, asked by srikaruppa, 5 months ago

if u were in place of prime minister of India what would u do .​


Answered by sripooja83

In the first place, my country is impoverished. Millions of people dwell in extreme poverty. I would take steps to abolish poverty. The poor must not be in shortage of any of the essentials. I would also have plots for the refinement of national health.

Another significant drawback in our country is ignorance and illiteracy, which should be eradicated. I would prioritize the achievement of 100% literacy. Also, higher education would be based on merit. Gifted people would be provided with proper placements. Required steps would be taken to pluck unemployment.

Next, I would charge heavy taxes on the wealthy and use the money to help the country. It is not fair that a few wealthy people live in luxury, and the rest should be inferior. I aim to abolish the significant disparity in income that exists at present between the rich and the poor.

Then I would control the price rise. The distribution system of essential commodities would be made more effective. The hoarders and business people would not take under the advantage of things because of strict rules. Law and order would be maneuvered for smugglers, hoarders, and black marketeers, and will be mended at all costs. Corruption would be stamped out altogether.

A problem that is neutralizing all efforts to improve the standard of living of the masses is that of overpopulation. Some of its direct consequences are malnutrition, insufficient medical care, high infant mortality rates, and problems of aged people. Steps have to be taken to avert this alarming growth. It will be my first duty as Prime Minister to turn to this problem of population growth and tackle it.

Another aim of mine is to make our country self-sufficient and self-reliant. I know that we cannot rely on ourselves for everything. Yet I would make people realize that we should depend on ourselves as far as possible.

People would be schooled about their duties provided by the constitution. Attention will be given to immoral elements to punish them severely. I would prioritize establishing a society free from fear and insecurity. Restoral of peace would be the final goal of my tenure. The dignity of the individuals and the more exceptional qualities of the citizens would be elevated.

I would strengthen my country’s defense system. We must be ready to fence ourselves in case of a foreign attack. Then we will never be taken unawares. We will be able to meet and successfully repel all foreign attacks.

I have many more plans for the development of my country. It is only a lack of time that prevents me from mentioning them all here.

Thank you.

Answered by aashityagi16

As a prime minister I will focus on these things

  1. Unemployment :- is a major issue so I will ask states to fill vacant positions in their states.
  2. Education :- is second major issue so I will monitor which state is performing good and which state is poor in terms of quality of education.
  3. Healthcare facilities :- like hospitals, clinics and doctors will be increased.
  4. Farmers problems :- will be solved with the coordination with state government and order them to set up a committee who look after farmers situation in their states.
  5. Electricity : -is a major issue in those states where energy consumption is high due to population and industrilisation so will find out other sources of energy like solar energy etc.
  6. Transportation :- facilities will be improved and will give funds to government roadways where it is not functioning properly.
  7. Pollution :- levels will be checked especially in that places where pollution levels are high throughout year like New Delhi and nearby places.
  8. Terrorism :- and Naxalism problems will be solved diplomatically and politically.
  9. Women empowerment :- is most necessary to solve their issues.
  10. Basic needs :- of water, food, clothes, shelter and cleanliness will be ensured.

HOPE this HELPED you

AND have a WONDERFUL day

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