If you ate a plant, would you get more or less energy than if you ate an animal?
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If you eat animal foods, most of the energy in the plants those animals ate has been lost as heat and only a fraction of it reaches you. Eating plants is more efficient, meaning that less of the energy the plants contain is wasted.....
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✌♥️ Heya ♥️✌
Like plants, animals lose a lot of the energy they get from plants they eat... They turn only about a tenth of the energy they get from plants into meat. So animals that eat other animals get only a thousandth of the energy that the plant got from the Sun. Because of this, there are more plants than plant-eating animals.
Any type of meat has more calories than virtually any type of vegetable, as long as the serving sizes weigh the same. This means that if you eat the same amount of each by weight, you'll get more energy -- or calories -- from eating meat than you will from eating vegetables.
✌♥️ Hope it helps ♥️✌
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