if you become a president for one day what will you do?
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I don't know what are the powers of a president. So assuming myself being a king of India, I would immediately take the following steps:-
No reservations for anyone except for defence people and handicapped persons.
No uneducated politicians.
No relegious rituals to be followed for the terresists after killing them. Because they kill people coz they are taught that they would go to jannat by such activities and if we do not follow the religious rituals they don't go to Jannat.
All severe criminals like terrorists corrupt officers rapers would be given severe death than hanging. Like death due to starvation, many times biting of poisonless snakes , applying itching powder on them, etc.
I would try that income tax is made as near as possible to 0% and instead of it government should earn mony by some other means. So the problem of black money will reduce.
Distracting advertisements will be a crime.