English, asked by Camboi, 1 year ago

If you can answer these riddles, I call you a genius.
1. What flies without wings?
2.What belongs to you but others use it more than you do?
3.What is harder to catch the faster you run?
4. A kind of tree can you carry in your hand?
5. Mr Brown was killed on Sunday afternoon. The wife said she was reading a book. The butler said He was taking a shower. The chef said he was making breakfast. The maid said she was folding clothes, and the gardener said he was planting tomatoes. Who did it?
If you crack 0-1, it means you need more practice.
If you crack 2-3, it means you're 25% a genius.
If you crack all, it means you're a 100% genius.
tell me the answer for the riddle.


Answered by rabbit123


1) time

2) your name

3) your breath

4) palm tree

5)The chef.

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