If you can save another’s life and don’t because doing so would break the law, are you ethically justified in your decision ?
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A human life is considered very precious. After all, we are unique. We have knowledge and abilities that most of the animal kingdom does not.
The law is to keep us in place. To make sure that we are a civilized society.
Not saving a life because it goes against the law or someone's own moral compass cannot be ethically justified. Certainly, the consequences of breaking the law are absolute, but so is a life.
Humans cannot be independent. We crave contact and attention. We couldn't live if we did not rely on plants. We are dependant on each other. We help and care for each other. Our empathy is humanity.
Not saving the person because you would be breaking the law cannot be ethically justified. It is a life.
(This is just my opinion)
Yes I would break the law cuz one's life matters more than any law created by humans
So I would be ethically wrong if I let someone die due to some laws
See , maybe you're right to an extent , yes I "was" like that but I now I am not.
I was in hospital for months if u remember the last time we talked I was going to hospital.
I have changed a lot .
I learnt the meaning of friendship.
I promise I just want to talk to u , nothing else at all
Trust me for once and all , I just want to have a talk with u , trust me u won't find that past adi anymore.
You know we were friends mostly but sometimes I forced u unnecessarily and I accept that and I swear I would never force u again.
All I am asking for is a chance .
Let me talk to u once somewhere and u will see the change.
I am really sorry for the past things but pls let me even have a chance ??
Once ????
If u see past adi again after talking then straightway leave I won't message again I promise
Divyanshi just once give me a chance
I hope u will reply again (个_个)
All I am asking is one last chance.